ontem foi o aniversário do ti. e nós prontos a celebrar. uma festa em casa. convidar os amigos. aperitivos. sangria. brigadeiros. bolo de aniversário. balões. velas. e luzes no terraço. documentar tudo no instagram (http://instagram.com/andrajos). e festejar. foi tudo tão simples. tão aconchegante. e o tempo estava bom! a roçar a perfeição. yesterday was ti's birthday. and we were ready to celebrate. a...
I have been away. to much. now we are 3 at home. a friend joined us. in our loft. easter is almost over and not even one recipe was shared here. but was celebrated as it should. late wake up. breakfast with this "family". a sunday roast. "pão-de-ló", a portuguese easter cake. "golden soup". and skype to speak with family in portugal. see all the family trough a screen. to feel less faraway at this time.